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Updating our pool

I always wanted Dolphins, or Whales, or Orkas in my backyard. It would be so cool to swim with the dolphins everyday! When I was even a teenager I would try to swim with only my legs together trying my best to be a did not work so well. Now that I am a big girl I can think a little more clearly.....I will never have a live whale in my pool. But I can paint one on the bottom.  Or better yet have our amazing host daughter paint one! No Two!!!             IT IS done!  Working hard Some of our planning She did amazing and we are so blessed to have her talent here with us to guide us on this special project. I will update this post when we are done with the painting the bricking. We are another step to our dream home! A backyard perfect for sharing! The Bauer Family!
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It is ours!

This is out new Home!!! We have waited a long time for this home and even longer to just have a home of our own! We put our offer in for this house in November and just closed March 18th. No matter how long we had to wait we are grateful to God for blessing us so much so that this is possible. Allen and I are so Excited as we walk over the threshold of our own home! We have so many ideas and we are ready to rip everything up to make them happen! Our Essential oil room! Who wants to come to a class? I cannot wait to have my first class in our house  This will be our home school room and Kallen playroom. I am so glad to have a study area downstairsĂ  Our living room! I am super excited to redo the fireplace...that will be a great blog post! Our kitchen! Right now it is not much but with the ideas we have we hope to have it revamped soon.  The biggest selling get feature of this house was this yard! So many things to do! Garden is first then chicken! Le